David Lewis-Smith, MA, MB BChir, MClinRes, MRCP
David Lewis-Smith is a Wellcome Trust Clinical PhD Fellow based at Newcastle University (UK), where he is supervised by Dr Rhys Thomas (Epileptology), Prof. Heather Cordell (Statistical Genetics), and Prof. Marcus Kaiser (Neuroinformatics). He has published original research on movement disorders, peripheral nervous system, and complex neurological phenotypes. His current research focusses on the computational association of clinical neurological phenotypes with genetic variants in epilepsy, in the hope that this will facilitate more precise medicine for people with epilepsies. He is an adult neurologist by training and has a particular interest in the clinical features of genetically defined epilepsies in adulthood. He has been leading the ILAE Epilepsiome Task Force’s contributions to the Human Phenotype Ontology, primarily a seizure subontology based on contemporary ILAE Classifications. He is an active member of the ILAE SNOMED Task Force and Vice-chair of the Young Epilepsy Section of the British Branch of the ILAE.
David completed his undergraduate training at Trinity Hall (University of Cambridge, 2004-2010) before moving to Newcastle for an NIHR Academic Clinical Fellowship in neurogenetics supervised by Prof. Patrick Chinnery (2010-2014) and higher specialty training in adult neurology thereafter. He is a proud father, frustrated musician and cyclist.